Kuchefski's takes seriously the need to conserve energy, not only for environmental health, but also for your the sake of your personal savings account.
That is why Kuchefski Heating and Air Conditioning stays up-to-date on the latest EPA guidelines and newest innovative energy-efficient heating and cooling systems that make their way into the industry.
Kuchefski's actively supports Ameren's Act On Energy program.
Our efforts and constant training in this field result in you, our customer, keeping more of your hard-earned money in your bank instead of giving it to the power companies. We support EnergyStar units.
Contact UsKuchefski's has a professional knowledge of how to integrate solar energy systems with HVAC requirements.
Whether your home is heated with hot water, a conventional warm air furnace, or a heat pump and electric heat your system can be adapted to accommodate Solar Thermal heat.
We can hook up solar energy source panels to:
The water that is heated by the sun is stored in super efficient storage tanks and used according to demand. Your existing system is then used as a back up system when the hot water runs out.
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